digital photoshoot [portraits, Headshots, Graduation, birthday, couple, events]

10 photos - $150

25 photos - $300

50 photos - $550

75 photos - $1,000

$10 per additional photo

$175/hr for events

48hr turnaround time (unedited images available upon request)

25% nonrefundable deposit when booking, $50 cancellation fee if cancelled within 24hrs of the shoot day, $10 rescheduling fee if rescheduled within 24hrs of the shoot day regardless of reason for rescheduling

[ photos in order: LinkedIn Headshots & Model Digitals, University Graduation & Senior Graduation Photos, Artist & Birthday Photos ]

user generated content

instagram posts - $75

instagram reels (1-3min) - $120

tiktok posts - $120

youtube video (5-10min) - $300

creative writing

blog posts - $40/200 words

event or product review articles - $350/piece

proofreading and editing - $400/piece